Thursday, 17 February 2011

Tutorial with: BEng PhD CEng MICE (wow, structural engineer) WED 16/02

Alex has organized for us first introductory session with structural engineers at
Davies Maguire + Whitby

we had at the table 2 to 3 engineers. This session was more or less an introduction of our projects. 
But even so, Marta and I presented the materials we would like to use - caliche and salt cedar and 
we were given a starter feedback: 

- there is a formula for a wall made of bricks which determines the height depending on the width and other factors (wind load, material,..). So for certain width(the depth really) the wall can only be a certain height, after this, pillars are introduced to strengthen the wall. 

- engineered wood is small pieces glued together, but a steel plate would have to be introduced for large span beams. 

- consider fire regulations for timber structures. 

Thank you Ian!

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