Sunday 19 December 2010


Firstly the Gift project: 
the pavement, as varied as the residents. 
This is how I imagine the colonia might end up, if we manage to organize Impact 2001 - Caliche block making machine from Texas A&M to arrive at the Colonia and introduce self-making of paving blocks to the locals. 

Then it will be up to them whether they would like to pedestrianise their hood or not. 
It should be fairly straight forward. Caliche is everywhere, Impact 2001 can make blocks, how to lay them - that will be coming in a post wrapped as an actual pressie from London Met. 

I should look up some contemporary pavements. 
The kerb would be the boundary between what is a responsibility of the Colonia and what is managed by each resident. - unlike in standard city ownership distribution. The pavement depending on the width of the road would vary between being on public land (road) to cutting back into private property. In my opinion the current ad hoc "street"line suggests that the owners of plots set themselves back from the road to leave a bit of breathing space without much precision, so the line of the front fence does jump in and out. 
Therefore the decision of where the kerb should sit, should be made on site, measuring from the middle of the road - to avoid reducing the width of the road beyond practical. 
Then depending on the boundary, the pavement would sit between the two, creating a semi - public, PEDESTRIAN zone. 
This would be the strategy for all the roads except for the Embassy Road, where I would suggest wider set back and greater pavements, perhaps done by the colonia as main connector used by majority. 
This is where TEX_MEX sharing comes to play. I leave Embassy Road to Marta. 

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