Saturday 27 November 2010

texas 16.11.

Donald Judd's foundation

Calichi (comes from calcium, vapnik, lime, = dirt with content of lime) & concrete wall


Shoreditch I said it - fixed bike. pfaaaa

organic foodies

Marlboro country


the greay area is Mexico, the line is the border, the brown is texas, the dot is us.

Hot springs, 20 000 years old water.
where we have met a retired military medic. desert storm and vietnam war veteran, he said it was horrible. He also said there were 700 archeological sites near around there and that there is a rich man, antropologist, who is buying the land to protect it. We said that was nice of him, for all of us.
Then there was a woman in the office who said, they had a mining right, or simmilar and that they can forbid anyone else, if they were to mine on their land, from running pipes through their land, she also said that if anything attacks your live stock, you have a right to kill it, so the neighbour killed 5 lions. special texan lions. I have forgotten the correct name, but they do look like lions.

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